Future Womb Founder Mikaela Cochrane

Front-woman, lead singer, and founder of Future Womb Mikaela Cochrane. A vibrant and creative Calgarian open to discussing her roots, experiences, and music with us. Single drops March 15, album drops April 19.
I had the pleasure of sitting down with front woman, lead singer, and founder of Future Womb - a Psychedelic Darkwave Popera baby of the Canadian prairies - their words, not mine! Mikaela is vibrant, creative, and open to discussing her roots, experiences, and music with us. They have a single dropping today, March 15! And their album release will be April 19! Calgarian born and raised, we discuss everything from her start on a karaoke machine, experiences as a cis-female in the male-band-music scene, to musical theatre and, believe it or not, even her band's creation and creative process! It's a jam packed hour, hope you like it!
Thanks, as always, to Media Lab YYC for the recording, studio, mentorship, and general awesomeness. And to fellow Calgary Band Thomas Thomas for their track Gracious Host! 

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Perspectives YYC 2018